You might need to log in again for each one.
Step 1: If you live in USA, log in and click on the doll
Here. If you don't live in USA, log in and Click on the barbie doll
Here. It is at the bottom, right corner. Click
Here for a picture of the doll.
Step 2: If you live in USA, Click on the second barbie doll
Here. If you don't live in USA, click on the second doll
Here. It is in the bottom, right corner. Click
Here for a picture of the doll.
Step 3: If you live in USA, Click on the second barbie doll
Here. If you don't live in USA, click on the third doll
Here. It is on the right side of your messages. Click
Here for a picture of the doll.
Step 4: If you live in USA, Click on the final doll
Here. If you don't live in USA, click on the last doll
Here. It should be on the left side of the page. Click
Here for a picture of the doll.
Step 5: Finally go back to your normal Stardoll, log in and go to your suite. It should be there in a Stardoll by barbie bag in your suite.